"More often than not, this means early mornings and late nights, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. My passion for Bolton means that I have always been happy to make that commitment."

Posted on Thursday 09 November 2017 by James Pilkington

That part of Cliff Morris' statement on stepping down at the end of the year struck a chord with me. 

The Bolton FM Annual General Meeting took place earlier this week. There are currently 104 volunteers working morning, noon and night to bring you 148 hours of radio each week and they're happy to commit their time to bring you the best possible community radio service possible. 

Early mornings and late nights, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year reflects my passion for Bolton FM. I'm not alone in this regard. There are many of us who work late nights solving problems in pyjamas because some hasn't worked quite right - the play-out machine has got upset and has sent out a late night 'attention seeking' text stirring some from slumber. 

There are exciting plans for Bolton FM as it enters 2018, there's the Bolton Radio Academy, our project working with schools to embed functional skills around literacy, numeracy and confidence building, for example. 

If you would like to be a volunteer with Bolton FM then why not get in touch? You can find our volunteer form on our website boltonfm.com. It'll take you five minutes to fill in and it could be the best thing you do in 2018!