My diary and I don't get along.

Posted on Thursday 27 June 2019 by James Pilkington

In fact its days are numbered… 

It is a joke quite rightly met with silence. It is sometimes followed by a double take as I take out my diary. 

My diary is pink. 

Bright pink. 

It is pink so I don't lose it which can happen because I rarely do anything of note. 

But I've got it open now and there are some events in it! 

This Saturday Bolton FM are holding an Open Day. It's YOUR chance to see what goes on behind the scenes at YOUR community radio station. 

As a community radio station, Bolton FM supports charities and groups from across Bolton whether it is on-air promotion and interviews or being part of events like Bolton Hospice's Midnight Memories Walk or Bolton Teenage Market. 

We're looking for new enthusiastic volunteers of all ages to help fill the many roles at Bolton FM, so we're opening our doors this Saturday between noon and 3pm. 

Bolton FM's Unsigned show will be back in the Bolton Market for a showcase of unsigned local talent, featuring Ravellas, Jane Doe, and Charlotte Mary. Entry is free and we're working with a number of number of Market traders so you can buy food and drink on the night. 

Skipping through a number of pages in the diary that it's the frothy fourth year, Bolton Hospice's foam-tastic family event Bubble Rush is ready to burst on Sunday September 8th in Queens Park! 

There'll be four huge bubble cannons firing plumes of colourful foam which you'll have to make your way through - you can run, skid, dance, wade or just walk through... it's pram and wheelchair friendly and suitable for all ages so ALL the family can join in the fun! (You can find out more at